Monday, December 28, 2009

Myspace and children?

Hi. Im 30 yrs old and have 3 children. Ive been on myspace since it first started years and years ago. Back then, it wasnt popular with the younger kids. Obviously, it has now reached out of control levels and Im too old to be on there lol. My questions are: Parents who have a you post pics of your children on your page? Even with the privacy settings and setting to share your pics? Why or why not? Also, do you let your children have a myspace page? Why or why not? And if yes, do you monitor? Thanks :)

Myspace and children?

I do not have a myspace page (too old). I do have a 13 yr old who I allow to have a myspace profile, as long as I have the password to their account and they know that I can view it at any time, which I do from time to time.

My theory is, if you are worried that someone will "get them" from myspace, then you need to ban them from the computer entirely, period. But if you educate them, and monitor them, then it can be a safe environment. If you still have trust issues, then you really need to be following them around every second of the day, because there are just as many safety threats in their day-to-day environment as there are on the web/computer. Molesting a child didn't start when computers were around.

Myspace and children?

I do not have a myspace page because I too am not young enough to be a part of that crowd (I'm 31)LOL!!! I have 3 kids and would NEVER allow them to have a myspace page. There are far too many dangers associated with kids and myspace. It's just not worth the risk, even if I monitor it! Remember what you got away with as a kid??? Imagine how sneaky your kids could possibly be!

Myspace and children?

I am 33 and I have a Myspace page. My photos are on it to share with my friends, not the world. My kids are WAY too young for Myspace or the internet if you ask me. They are 10,7 and 5. My ten year old has an email and that's it so she can email her grandmother. Our computer is a family computer and we do monitor it. You'd be a fool not to today with all the whackadoos out there!

Myspace and children?

The only way my teens got a myspace page was begging and giving me the password.

Myspace and children?

Im 29 and my kids have myspaces and i have one too. In my opinion I think friends frist then mother daugther second.

Myspace and children?

i have my kids posted on mine but u must be my friend to view it as far as kids having a myspace i wouldnt let my kids have one to many nut cases in the world u could monitor but the kids are always smarter now and days they might already have a page and you might not know it

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